About the Journal

Editorial Policy

Although AOL will accept original papers from around the world, the principal aim of this journal is to be an instrument of communication for and among Latin American investigators in the field of dental research and closely related areas.

Particular interest will be devoted to original articles dealing with basic, clinic and epidemiological research in biological areas or those connected with dental materials and/or special techniques.

Clinical papers will be published as long as their content is original and not restricted to the presentation of single cases or series.

Bibliographic reviews on subjects of special interest will only be published by special request of the journal.

Short communications which fall within the scope of the journal may also be submitted.

Submission of a paper to the journal will be taken to imply that it presents original unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. To this end, the authors will state their agreement with the editorial policy. The papers cannot later be published elsewhere without the express consent of the editors.

To favour international diffusion of the journal, articles will be published in English with an abstract in Spanish or Portuguese.

Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana may use Internet programs and tools to detect plagiarism, self-plagiarism, duplication and fragmentation.

Regarding the ethics of the publication process, Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana complies with the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. (https://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf)

The editors of Acta Odontologica Latinoamericana have no commercial interest, nor do they endorse or vouch for commercial products or diagnostic and therapeutic procedures mentioned in the publications.

Articles accepted for publication will be the property of Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana and express the opinion of the authors.

Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana is an open access publication. The content of the publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0

Peer review process

Acta Odontologica Latinoamericana  uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

The review process will be carried out by two reviewers selected by the editorial board, from specialists in each field. The reviewers will undertake the review process in order to achieve the highest possible standard of scientific content. Confidentiality, impartiality and objectivity will be maintained during the entire peer review process. If discrepancies arise, a third reviewer will be invited to participate. The reviewers will have a period of 4 weeks to review the manuscript and based on their report, the Editorial Committee may request modifications and decide on acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. The revised version of manuscripts with a recommendation of major modifications, will be sent back to the reviewers for final evaluation.

The manuscripts accepted for publication will be submitted to idiomatic evaluation and revision, edition and layout. The authors will proofread their manuscript and must approve the final version prior to publication.

Policies on Conflict of Interest

All authors must state any financial or other conflict of interest that could be interpreted as a bias in the results or interpretation of the results reported in their manuscript.

Human and Animal Rights, and Informed Consent

All investigators should ensure that the planning, conduct, and reporting of human research are in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013. The authors must state in their manuscript that they have obtained informed consent of the people involved and that the project has been approved by an institutional ethics committee.

Studies involving laboratory animals must comply with the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals”, National Academy of Sciences. Washington DC and have the approval of an institutional committee.